Stronger Roots

Dear Dad,

I see you smiling from far away.
You keep saying, “It will be ok.”
And I’m trying to trust you.
Really I am.
But no one seems to give a damn

about morals or traditions or integrity.
Gone are the days of prosperity,
the things we fought for so bravely.

Deep in dementia, you felt it too.
Somehow your soul just knew.
And maybe it was too much for you
to stick around and see

what our world’s become.

Is this why you left us so young?
You’d think this’d be where my grief is from.

But you’re perfectly safe,
perfectly whole.
There’s a deeper anguish in my soul:

Loss of freedom.
Loss of identity.
Loss of purpose.
Loss of equality.

Loss of truth.
Loss of diversity.
Loss of love,
defined as it used to be.

Loss of life.
Loss of family.
Loss of safety
and security.

Loss of home.
Loss of unity.
Loss of “In God we trust,”
Loss of our country.

Yes, Dad, I miss you and wish you were here,
but somehow your absence makes your voice so clear.
And maybe I just wasn’t willing to hear

until now…

that I am surrounded by a giant cloud.

A cloud of witnesses that have gone before me,
soldiers of courage and bravery.
Armies and warriors of character.
Virtue made up the cavalier.
Their voices I can still hear…

“Work hard.
Show kindness
and hospitality.

Fight for what’s right!
Don’t coward away!
Dream big dreams,
then patiently wait!

Don’t compromise
when things get hard.
Flee temptation.
Be on your guard.

Live a real life.
What’s a device?
Sitting still,
That’ll suffice.

Rock on the porch.
Smoke a cigar.
Let the world see
Who you really are.

Send a letter.
Call on the phone.
Forgive one another.
Let offenses go.

Dig in the dirt.
Steward the earth.
Grow your own food
so you know what it’s worth.

Get rid of anxiety.
Pray and don’t cease.
Be thankful instead
and watch peace increase.

Ponder creation,
and give good thought
that God is God
and we are not.”

“Dear Daughter,

Hold fast to these stronger roots.
This is the cloud that surrounds you.

The USA…
The world today…
It may never change. (But praise God if it does.)
But there is yet a Hope that remains:

When everything looks like it’s gone astray,
please remember, It WILL be ok.
because JESUS is coming back one day.

And He will make all things right.”

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11 months ago

this was beautiful <3