Singing In Harmony

“But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. ” – John 14:26

Thank you, God that through creation and just living life, you remind us of truth…

I’ve been teaching my kids how to sing in harmony and in rounds. We’ve tried singing some simple songs like “Jesus Loves Me” and “Row Row Row Your Boat.” When my two boys would focus on their part of the song, it would sound nice. But as soon as they looked at me and concentrated on my part, they got all confused, switching between the melody and harmony or repeating the same line over and over again. Where they focused their attention determined the beauty, or chaos, of the song.
After my 3rd anxiety attack this month, the Lord reminded me of truth: “You’re trying to sing my part. Focus on your own part and watch how well our voices will blend together. I will take care of your finances. I will take care of your children’s safety, I will take care of your home, your animals, and all that you carry each day. Lay down your burdens. Take my yolk. My burden is easy and light. Focus on being a mommy and leave the worries of this life with me. You only have your children for a little while. Love life. Go dancing. Sing more. Smell the roses. Walk around and enjoy beauty instead of being burdened by it. Blessings are meant to be blessings, not burdens. My part is to protect. My part is to avenge. My part is to work out justice. My part is to provide. My part is to create beauty out of nothing. Remember the miracles and have the heart of Caleb and Joshua – believing that with Me, all things are possible. Sing your part and I’ll sing mine and together we will make beautiful, harmonious music.

These truths can be found in:
Matt. 11:29-30
Ecc. 2:24
Ecc. 3:13
Heb. 10:30
Numbers 13, 14
Rom. 8:32

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